
Nov 21, 2007 : Catholic Sabha- Paladka Unit arranged a brief honouring ceremony soon after the morning 8.00 AM mass. Following 4 personalities were honoured for their unique achievement in various fields.

Mrs. Joshphine Sequeira, President – Puthige Panchayat
Mrs. Ida Mascarenhas, President – Belvai Panchayat
Sr Stella Pais (Head-teacher of Holy Angels Higher Primary School, Permannur) – Winner of district-level ‘Best Teacher’ award 2007 and
Ms. Asha Pinto – Secured I rank in Degree Exams among Colleges run by Catholic Education Board of Mangalore Diocese.

Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo presided over the function and honoured the achievers with fruit, shawl and momentoes.

Sr. Stella Pais expressed her feelings on behalf of the honoured.

President Victor D’Souza welcomed the gathering and Parish Council Secretary Denis D’Mello proposed vote of thanks. Parish Council Vice-President Vincent Sequeira compered the function.

Also prizes were distributed to Parish level Catholic Sabha elocution competition winners during the function.

Report by: Wilson, Saverapura, Pictures by Alan, Paladka