
Jan 14, 2008 : The feast was celebrated on Wednesday, 9th January, 2008. The celebrities began at 10AM with the Parish Priest honouring the patrons and donors with candles. The solemn festive mass began at 10.30 AM with 22 Priests coming in a procession to the Altar.


Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese, Msgr. Denis Moras Prabhu was the main celebrant who delivered a truly fitting homily to the occasion.


The church choir sang melodious hymns under the music of Sr. Monthy Sequeira of Alangar Convent and direction of Bro. Naveen Pinto of Jeppu Seminary.


At the end, the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo thanked the Parishioners and all those responsible for the success of the great event.

Report by: Wilson, Saverapura, Pictures by Alan, Paladka