Feb 15, 2009: A general body meeting of the Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh (R)., Unit: Paladka-574278 was held on Sunday the 15th Feb. 2009 at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola. 25 members were present for the meeting including the Spiritual Director Rev. Fr. Stany Rodrigues, Parish Priest of the Church. The members present were treated to be the members of the Executive Committee of the Sabha for the year 2009-10 as per by laws of the Sabha.
The following office bearers were unanimously chosen for the year 2009-10.
1. President – Hilary D’Souza
2. Vice President – Smt. Dorine Sequeira
3. Secretary – Victor D’Souza
4. Asst. Secretary – Smt. Sunitha Aranha
5. Treasurer – Andrew Serrao
6. Amcho Sandesh Representative- Amith D’Silva
7. Varado Representative – Maxim Lobo
8. Auditors: Peter Cardoza & Smt. Jacintha Sequeira.
Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Stany Rodrigues is the Spititual Director.
Report by: Hilary D’Souza, Paladka