March 15, 2009 : Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh(R), Unit Paladka-574278 conducted a felicitation programme to NRIs and local NRIs who served abroad in yester years on Sunday, the 15th March, 2009. Around 60 to 65 individuals were felicitated by offering roses as a mark of respect for them. All of them were felicitated in the Church by Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Stany Rodrigues and Secretary of Govlik Parishad Mr.Denis D’Mello soon after the morning mass. President of the Catholic Sabha, Paladka Unit Sri Hilary D’Souza read out the names of the individuals ward wise and Secretary Sri Victor D’Souza assisted for smooth presentation of roses.
A reception was held soon after in the Church Hall not only for the NRIs and local NRIs but also for the main officials of all associations functioning in the Church, like Catholic Sabha, Stree Sanghatan, Vincent De Paul Society, Teritiary Society, I.C.Y.M. and Y.C.S. coupled with Ward Gurkars and Superior of Paladka Convent Sr. Suma. The programme was kick started by prayer sung by Ms.Zeena Alphonso, Ms.Prafulla Sequeira and Miss Savitha Sequeira.
Rev.Fr. Stany Rodrigues, Parish Priest presided over the function. The dias was shared by Secretary of the Govlik Parishad Sri Denis D’Mello, President of the Catholic Sabha, local Unit Sri Hilary D’Souza, Secretary Sri Victor D’Souza, Superior of the Convent Sr. Suma, Ex Varado President Mr. Andrew D’Souza, Ex President of Catholic Sabha, Paladka Unit Sri Andrew Serrao.
President of the Catholic Sabha, Paladka Unit Sri Hilary D’Souza in his welcome address explained the purpose behind this programme stressing that NRIs too are a part of our society and they need our attention and admiration for the immense and valuable contributions they make to their families in particular and also to the nation as a whole and other speakers Sri Andrew D’Souza and Sri Andrew Serrao dwelled on the various aspects of NRIs role in improvement in life style of the families and difficulties encountered by NRIs abroad.
President of the Programme Rev. Fr. Stany Rodrigues spoke about the economic and educational progress of the Christian Society mainly due to the contributions of NRIs and called upon such NRIs settling in India to find the ways of livelihood back in India itself as most of the foreign countries facing recession hell bent to send back the Indian Workers who are no more required by them.
Sri Salvadore Rodrigues, a local NRI was the master of ceremony and he too spoke on the people who served abroad as early as 1950s and the prevailing work conditions in those years such as non availability of accommodation, electricity, drinking water, excessive heat, non availability of air conditioners etc. and virtually narrated the plight of the job seekers of those years in depth.
On behalf of the NRIs Sri Francis Pinto spoke and advised the returnees not to dishearten but find ways of living here itself either by starting small scale industries or small business concerns etc.
Sri Victor D’Souza, Secretary of the Sabha extended vote of thanks. The programme concluded with prayer “Argam tuka Somiyan” .
A grand snacks/tea/coffee party was served to the participants by M/s Pais Caterers of Murkothpalke, Paladka to all the participants who were around 110.
The entire programme was sponsored by Sri Alfred Sequeira, an entrepreneur of Doha-Qatar who happens to be the resident of Paladka belonging to Holy Rosary Ward.
Report by: Hilary D’Souza, Paladka & Pics by : Alan D’Souza