Aug 21 : The day’s celebrations started with the morning 8.00 AM mass by Rev. Fr. Eugene D’Silva – CSSR, Redemptorist of Nithyadar Nivas, Alangar.
This was followed by flag hoisting ceremony. Flag was hoisted by school teacher Ms. Benedicta Sequeira.
Benedicta & Fr. Eugene narrated the importance of the day. School Headmaster Mr. M. Devdas Hegde welcomed the gathering and proposed vote of thanks. Parishioners, School teachers, students, parents & well-wishers were present during the ceremony. Sweets were distributed to all, arranged jointly by Panchayat Member Alwyn D’Souza and Benedicta.
This was followed by cultural programmes in the school hall, first by school children followed by ICYM & YCS members.
The day was also observed with devotion at Saverapura. Fr. Eugene performed the morning 10.30 AM mass.
Report by: Wilson, Saverapura, Pictures by Alan, Paladka