March 31, 2008: Holy Week ceremonies began at Paladka on 16th of March with Parishioners gathering together for the morning 8.00am mass to celebrate Palm Sunday.
Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo blessed the palm leaves and the parishioners sang hymns to memorise the event that took place at Jerusalem 2000 years ago.
On Tuesday, 18th of March, all the parishioners participated with devotion in the evening 4pm mass followed by the Way of the Cross. This started at the Holy Mount on the rear side of the Parish Priest’s Residence. The parishioners themselves conducted the ceremony in the presence of the Parish Priest.
On Thursday, 20th of March, all the parishioners came together for the evening 5pm mass to celebrate Maundy Thursday. The main event of this day was the Father washing the feet of 12 parishioners in exact ways how Jesus washed the feet of his 12 Apostoles.
Friday, 21st of March was Good Friday and all the parishioners came together at 3.15pm to participate in the Way of the Cross. This was followed by the Priest perfoming Good Friday ceremony.
Saturday, 22nd of March was Holy Saturday and the parishioners came together at 7.30pm to glorify the risen Christ. The church Choir sang meaningful hymns to the risen Christ. Mass was also celebrated on Sunday, 23rd March at 8am to observe Easter Sunday.
Throughout the Holy Week, Fr. Boniface Pinto, Director – Mangala Jyothi helped the parishioners in glorifying our only saviour Jesus Christ along with the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo.
The Holy week was also observed with devotion at St. Francis Xavier’s Chapel, Saverapura with Priests of CSSR, Redemptorist of Nithyadar Nivas, Alangar helping the people to perform Holy Week ceremonies. Rev. Fr. Eugene D’Silva celebrated the Palm Sunday mass and Rev. Fr. Henry Fernandes celebrated Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday masses.
Report by: Wilson D’Souza, Pictures by Alan, Paladka