Parish News

121122 of 122 items

Independence Day celebration at Paladka Church

by Allan D'Souza

Independence Day celebration was started at 8:30am in the presence of school correspondent, students and localites of Paladka. The flag was hoisted by the chief guest Mr. Jinnappa Poojary, an ex-military who served for 22 years and a localite. There was a speech by him followed by a cultural programme in the school premises, presided […]

St. Ignatius Loyola Church releases web site on the Feast Day

by Allan D'Souza

Paladka Church, a Parish of Moodbidri Varado and located nearly 42 Kilometers north-east of Mangalore released its web site on the day of the Feast of its Patron, St. Ignatius Loyola on Monday, July 31. Earlier in the day, the solemn festive mass was celebrated along with Parishioners. Parish Priest Fr. Norbert Lobo narrated the […]