Small Christian Community – Paladka Unit arranged one day training camp for Parishioners to boost the spirit of ward-level SCC groups. Fr. Gilbert D’Souza – Director – SCC, Mangalore Diocese and Fr. Joachim Fernandes – Professor, St. Joseph’s Seminary, Mangalore were the resource persons.

The training session commenced soon after the morning 8:00 AM mass with prayer. The resource persons conducted alternative training sessions and tried their best to present the concept of SCC through valuable charts, LCD slides and group discussions. Nearly 150 parishioners from the 12 wards attended the training session. SCC – Paladka Unit President Mr. Victor D’Souza welcomed the session and Mrs. Victoria Cardoza proposed vote of thanks. Parish Priest Fr. Norbert Lobo, Bro. Roshan D’Souza- St. Joseph’s Seminary Mangalore, Sisters of Ursulines of Mary Immaculate convent were present during the training session.

Small Christian Community meetings started in the month of Dec 1994 in all wards of the parish during the tenure of Fr. Benjamin Pinto. Presently they are performing well under the able guidance of the Parish Priest, Fr. Norbert Lobo.


Report by : Wilson, Saverapura