Four Day summer holiday camp for Children and youth of class 4-12 of Paladka Parish was arranged from 7th to 10th May, 2007. The main focus of the camp was bible(Pentateuch), mass media, sex education and aids, liturgy and Eucharist. The resource persons included Rev. Fr. Anil D’Souza-Parish Priest, Gantalkatte; Mr. Edward Lobo-Pangla; Bro. Roshan Crasta; Bro. Rohith D’Costa; Bro. Thomas Roshan D’Souza and Bro. Nelson Pais.
All the participants were divided in four groups and various activities were arranged for them like group song competition, chart preparation, bible tableau competition, skit competition, different group games, action songs, prayer and everyday Eucharistic celebration. Total 100 children and youth participated in this camp.
On 10th of May, there was celebration of 34th Ordination Day of the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo. The choir members wished the Father with a song and Bro. Rohith D’Costa felicitated the Fr. through words. All the children wished the Fr. with flowers. Finally Fr. responded with his message for the occasion. Bro. Rohith D’Costa arranged this unique programme.
Report by: Wilson with inputs from Bro. Rohith D’Costa, St. Joseph’s Seminary, Mangalore.