Finally the memorable moments came to Paladka Parishioners at 3.30 PM on October 21st for which they have eagerly awaited and prepared since a month. All the parishioners welcomed with gratitude, their “Good Shepherd”, Rt. Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza at the main entrance and then entered into the church in a procession singing the Konkani hymn “Jezu Borya Govlya”.
Bishop, who visited the Parish nearly after 3 and a half years, thanked the parishioners and delivered the message of our only Saviour, Jesus Christ. Then the Parish Patoral Council members lit their candles from Bishop’s candle, which was lit from the Sacred Easter Candle. He then conducted Catechism sessions for children to youth of different categories including 92 youth who had spiritually prepared themselves since a month for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Later during the evening mass, he offered the Sacrament of Confirmation to those 92 youth. After the mass, he met Catechism teachers and parents of priests, brothers & sisters. At 7:00 PM he presided over the Parish Patoral Council meeting and examined the report and activities of the Council. He also gave important suggestions to the welfare of the church and community. The Parish Priest, Fr. Norbert Lobo, Parish Vice-President Mr. Vincent Sequeira & Secretary Mrs. Denis D’Mello were present during the meeting. The council members then participated in the supper along with the Bishop.
On Oct 22nd, Bishop celebrated the morning 8:00 AM mass along with the parishioners. After the mass, the Presidents of various organizations of the parish met the Bishop and submitted their report and explained about their activities.
Later, Bishop went to Saverapura and celebrated the morning 11.15am mass at St. Francis Xavier Chapel and delivered the Good News to the people. After the afternoon dinner, he departed back to Mangalore at 1:00PM.