Catechetical year 2013-14 was inaugurated on 1st June 2014 at St. Ignatius Loyola church, Paladka. The placard displaying the theme “Bhavarthi shikshan jodyam, Kristhak jana javyam” was brought to the Altar in procession, before the Holy mass by the Secretary of Parish Pastoral Parishad Mr. Vincent Pinto.
The catechetical year was inaugurated by the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Ivan Michael Rodrigues by lighting the lamp. Representatives of teachers, parents and children joined in lighting the lamp.
The following teachers have come forward to teach Sunday Catechism
- Jecintha Sequeira – Convener
- Sr. Josina
- Sr. Amala
- Shaila D’Souza
- Victoria cardoza
- Veena Pinto
- Lydia D’Souza
- Winny Pinto
- Susanna Sequeira
- Joyce Danthis
Teachers, parents and children actively participated in liturgy.
Photos by: Felix D’Souza