
9 Items

Seminar on traffic laws and public safety held

by Allan D'Souza

April 19, 2009 : St. Christopher Association, Paladka conducted a Seminar on Traffic Signals/Rules for the benefit of drivers/owners and vehicle users on Sunday, the 19th April, 2009 at the Church Hall of St. Ignatius Loyola-Paladka soon after the morning mass. The programme commenced with a prayer song rendered by Kum. Prafulla Sequeira and Kum. […]

St. Christopher Association Paladka celebrates Annual Feast

by Allan D'Souza

Paladka, Oct 30, 2008 : St. Christopher Association (Vahana Chalakara Sangha) Paladka celebrated their Annual Feast of its patron on Sunday the 19th October, 2008 at the church of St. Ignatius Loyola, Paladka in a grand manner. The Association offered the mass in honour of the patron through Rev. Fr. Stany Rodrigues, parish priest at […]

Vehicles blessed on feast of St. Chistopher Association

by Allan D'Souza

Oct 21, 2007 : The feast commenced with morning 8.00AM mass celebrated by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr.Norbert Lobo. The members of the association came in a procession to the altar lead by their President, Mr. Salvadore Rodrigues and actively participated in the liturgy. After the mass, all the parishioners gathered at the Church grounds. […]

Annual Feast of St Christopher celebrated with blessing of Vehicles

by Allan D'Souza

The annual feast of St. Christopher was celebrated on 15/10/2006 by the St. Christopher Association, Paladka. The Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo celebrated the morning 8AM mass followed by the blessing of all transport vehicles and their owners from the increasing dangers of road accidents. Mr. Andrew D’Souza, the Association’s President oversaw the function.  […]

New Office Bearers Of St. Christopher Association, Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

New Office Bearers Of St. Christopher Association, Paladka for the year 2006-07 Director : Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo President : Mr. Salvodore Rodrigues Vice-president : Mr. Alwyn D’Souza Secretary : Mr. Hilary D’Souza Joint-secretary : Mr. Edward Barboza Treasurer : Mrs. Clotilda Miranda Executive Committee Members Mr. Andrew D’Souza Mr. Victor Cardoza Mr. Bonaventure Menezes […]