Parish News

91100 of 122 items

Grand New Year celebrations at Paladka Parish

by Allan D'Souza

Dec 31, 2008 : The new year celebrations began at 6pm with the adoration of the Holy Sacrament which was very meaningfully conducted by YCS members. At 6.30pm, new year festive mass began. Fr. Anil D’Souza, Director ICYM Mangalore Diocease was the main celebrant. Along with him, Fr. Eugene D’Silva & Fr. Stany Rodrigues were […]

Christmas celebrations at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

Dec 24, 2008 : Christmas celebrations at Paladka began at 7pm with the singing of christmas carols. This was followed by the festive mass at 7.30pm. Fr. Henry Fernandes delivered a truly meaningful homily on the occasion. After the mass, cake was distributed to the gathering. This was followed by Santa Claus and other entretainment […]

Monthi Fest celebrated with traditional fervour

by Allan D'Souza

Paladka, Sep 11, 2008 : Day’s celebrations began with the morning 8.00 AM mass by the Parish Priest Rev. Fr Stany Rodrigues. The parish wore a festive look with bright and vibrant coloured flowers brought by children, taking a prominent place in the celebrations. The children showered flowers and petals at the idol of Mother […]

Independence Day and Assumption Day celebrated at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

Paladka, Aug 15, 2008 : The day’s celebrations started with the morning 8.00 AM mass by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Stanley Rodrigues. This was followed by flag hoisting ceremony. The program started with the welcome note of the School Headmaster Mr. M. Devdas Hegde at 9.30AM. One minute silence was observed to condole the […]

Paladka Parishioners welcome new Priest

by Allan D'Souza

Paladka, June 2, 2008 : June 1, 2008 was a day marked with send-off function in the morning and welcome function in the evening. The send-off function for the outgoing Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo was arranged soon after the morning 8.00AM mass. Parish Council Secretary Denis D’Mello welcomed the gathering. Parish Council Vice-President […]

Holy Week observed with devotion at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

March 31, 2008: Holy Week ceremonies began at Paladka on 16th of March with Parishioners gathering together for the morning 8.00am mass to celebrate Palm Sunday. Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo blessed the palm leaves and the parishioners sang hymns to memorise the event that took place at Jerusalem 2000 years ago. On Tuesday, […]

Spiritual Refreshment-6 Day Lenten retreat at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

March 31, 2008 : Paladka Parishioners spiritually refreshed themselves by participating in the 6 day retreat organized from Sunday 2nd March to Friday 7th March from 9AM-12.00AM everyday. Fr. Eugene D’Silva and Fr. Henry Fernandes, Priests of CSSR, Redemptorist of Nithyadar Nivas, Alangar delivered sermons during the retreat. The Sacrament of Confession was arranged for […]

Catechism Sunday observed at Paladka Church

by Allan D'Souza

Feb 11, 2008 : The day was observed on Sunday, 2nd Feb, 2008 with morning 8 AM mass celebrated by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo. The Catechism students actively participated in the liturgy. The students topped in the Catechism exams were honoured at the end of the mass by the Parish Priest. Report […]

Grand celebration of “Vodlem Fest” of Paladka Church

by Allan D'Souza

Jan 14, 2008 : The feast was celebrated on Wednesday, 9th January, 2008. The celebrities began at 10AM with the Parish Priest honouring the patrons and donors with candles. The solemn festive mass began at 10.30 AM with 22 Priests coming in a procession to the Altar. Vicar General of Mangalore Diocese, Msgr. Denis Moras […]

Eucharistic Sunday (Compricho Aithar) celebrated at Paladka Church

by Allan D'Souza

Jan 8, 2008 : Paladka is all set to celebrate its annual feast for the glory of its Patron, St. Ignatius Loyola on Wednesday, the 9th Jan, 2008. It is a custom & tradition of the Mangalore Diocese churches to celebrate the previous Sunday as Eucharistic Sunday (Compricho Aithar). All the parishioners and guests from […]