Parish News

101110 of 122 items

New Year celebrations at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

Jan 2, 2008 : New Year preparations started at 6.30PM on 31st Dec. with Parishioners gathering together for the adoration of Holy Sacrament. Rev. Fr. Baptist Menezes of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Mangalore conducted the adoration service assisted by Bro. Rohith, Bro. Nelson and YCS members. This was followed by Holy Mass at 7.30PM celebrated by […]

Christmas celebrations at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

Dec 27, 2007 : The religious programmes began at evening 7.00 PM on 24th with the Carol singing by the choir group under the guidance of Sr. Monthy Sequeira of Mount Rosary Convent-Alangar. The Holy mass began at 7.30 PM celebrated by the Parish Priest Fr. Norbert Lobo. Rev. Fr. Baptist Menezes of St. Joseph’s […]

Monthi Fest celebrations at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

Sept 08, 2007 : Day’s celebrations began with the morning 8.00 AM mass by the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo. The parish wore a festive look with bright and vibrant coloured flowers b rought by children, taking a prominent place in the celebrations. All the parishioners gathered at the idol of Mother Mary singing […]

Independence Day and Assumption Day celebrations at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

Aug 21 : The day’s celebrations started with the morning 8.00 AM mass by Rev. Fr. Eugene D’Silva – CSSR, Redemptorist of Nithyadar Nivas, Alangar. This was followed by flag hoisting ceremony. Flag was hoisted by school teacher Ms. Benedicta Sequeira. Benedicta & Fr. Eugene narrated the importance of the day. School Headmaster Mr. M. Devdas […]

Feast for the glory of St. Ignatius Loyola celebrated at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

July 31 : The feast popularly known as “Tharikechem Fest” was celebrated with mass at 10.30AM. Rev. Fr. Denis D’Souza of Sampige church was the main celebrant. Rev. Fr. Eugene D’Silva – CSSR, Redemptorist of Nithyadar Nivas, Alangar delivered a very good homily in which he highlighted the lives of different saints and said that each […]

Paladkachi Zhar July 2007 issue released

by Allan D'Souza

The issue was released after the morning 8.00 AM mass by the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo. St. Ann ward members conducted the liturgy of the mass under the guidance of their Gurkarn Mrs. Dorin Sequeira as they celebrated their feast on the same day. The Parish Priest thanked the Editor of the Paladkachi […]

Oath-taking ceremony of Parish Pastoral Council

by Allan D'Souza

The oath-taking ceremony was arranged during the morning 8.00 AM mass soon after the “Prayers of the Faithful”. The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo narrated the importance of oath to the members. First, the President, Mr. Vincent Sequeira took oath in the name of God that he would abide by the rules and regulations […]

Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ celebrated at Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

The parishioners gathered for the morning 8.00 AM mass to celebrate the feast. Rev. Fr. Eugene D’Silva-CSSR, Redemptorist of Nithyadar Nivas, Alangar celebrated the mass along with the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Norbert Lobo. Fr. Eugene delivered an effective homily in which he narrated the importance of the day and God’s love towards mankind. Sr. […]

Paladka-New Parish Pastoral council conducts its first meeting

by Allan D'Souza

There were election activities going on in the church every Sunday since a month, for the ward leaders who have completed their term and to select 2 representatives for the Parish Pastoral Council. With all this over smoothly, the first meeting of the new Pastoral Council held soon after the morning 8.00 AM mass under […]

Fathima Mandir Prayer Hall inaugurated at Gundyadka, Puthige

by Allan D'Souza

It was a dream came true for Our Lady of Fathima Ward members of Paladka Church for which they have eagerly awaited for years. The inauguration ceremony of the newly built prayer hall started at 3:00PM with the Holy Eucharistic Mass. Rev. Fr. John Alfred Barboza, Professor-St. Mary’s College, Shirva; Rev. Fr. Alban D’Souza, Vicar […]