Members of St. Paul ward celebrated ward feast on 22nd June 2014. The celebration started with the Holy Eucharistic celebration at 8am.
There was a celebration at Melwyn D’souza’s house at 3pm. The programme started with a prayer including reading from the Holy Bible and reflection. Gurkar Vincent Pinto welcomed the guests and gathering. Fr. Ivan Michael Rodrigues, Parish Priest, Fr. Antony Lasrado, deanery coordinator of SCC, Denis D’Mello, Vice president of Parish pastoral parishad, Vincent Sequeira, Parish SCC convener, Sr. Josina, Sr. Anis and Bro. Rohan Dias were on the dais as guests.
Ward secretary Veena Pinto read the ward report. Fr. Antony Lasrado spoke on “Role of SCC in building community”.
Former Gurkar Mr. Denis D’Mello was honoured with ‘PALA PUSHPA’ and shawl as he was elected as the vice president of Parish pastoral parishad. Mr.Vincent Pinto was felicitated for his selection as secretary of Parish pastoral Parishad. Mr. Melwyn D’Souza was also felicitated for his selfless leadership in the renovation of the church building. Students who have passed S.S.L.C. and P.U.C. with good marks were also honoured with flowers.
All the ward members having birthday in the month celebrated their birthday by cutting cake.
Parish Priest Fr. Ivan Michael Rodrigues in his presidential address appreciated ward members co-operation in church activities.
Smt. Agnes D’Souza proposed vote of thanks. Smt. Lydia D’Souza was the compere of the programme.
Pictures by: Felix D’Souza