General body meeting of ex-students and well wishers
The General body meeting of Ex- students and well wishers of St. Ignatius aided higher primary school, Paladka was held…
The General body meeting of Ex- students and well wishers of St. Ignatius aided higher primary school, Paladka was held…
Fancy dress competition on behalf of school day was held on 13th December 2014 at…
Independence Day celebration by Paladka School children.
Both Kannada and English medium schools together celebrated their Patron St. Ignatius Loyola’s feast on 30th July..
St. Ignatius Loyola English Medium Higher Primary School was inaugurated on 7th June 2014..
A small function to welcome children to the school ‘PRARAMBOTSAVA’ was held on 2nd June 2014..
Parents meeting of St. Ignatius Loyola English Medium school was held on 14 April 2014 at Church hall. The programme began with a prayer song by school children..
A send-off programme was arranged at Church hall for the teachers of St. Ignatius Kannada and English medium schools on 29th March 2014.
‘Akshara Dasoha’ room of St. Ignatius aided higher primary school was inaugurated on 29th March 2014. ‘Akshara Dasoha’ room is the kitchen for the midday meal scheme of the Government.
On this day, Holy Eucharistic Mass was offered by Rev. Fr. Ivan Rodrigues with the Parishoner Rev. Fr. Stany Pinto, S.J. in which around 250 people participated. The church bell fray foundation stone was blessed at the end of the Mass.