Summer camp for the children of Parish was held on 25th and 26th of April at church premises. The programme began with the Introduction and welcome by the Parish Priest Fr. Ivan Michael Rodrigues.

Capuchin Brothers were the resource persons for the camp. Br. Jason explained about Holy family and the role of children in the family. Br. Jeevan spoke about the importance of prayer and how one should participate in prayer at home and Church.Br. Edwin spoke on the Resurrection of Christ. Br. Raviraj gave explanation on the Bible.

Then four groups were formed from the participants. There were activities such as games, quiz, action songs, skits etc. At the end of the programme Alma D’Cunha, Carol D’Souza, Bradly Cutinha and Sonal Pinto shared their experience.

(Photos by: Felix D’Souza)