Parish News

7180 of 122 items

3rd Death Anniversary Mass of Fr. Dolphy Monteiro

by Allan D'Souza

On the 18th August 2013-Sunday, the faithful of Paladka gathered together to offer a Holy Eucharistic Mass on remembrance of the 3rd death anniversary of the beloved Vicar who served two and half months at St. Ignatius Loyola Church Paladka.

Unity and Co-operation (Shramadhana)

by Allan D'Souza

The volunteers of Kukkinanthaya Kodamanithaya Dompadabali Committee Jodukatte done a 8 hours of hard labour(Shramadhan) on the 18th August towards St. Ignatius Loyola Church, regarding the Centenary Jubilee 2013 (on 18th August).

Independence Day Celebrations

by Allan D'Souza

On this day, Holy Eucharistic Mass was offered by Rev. Fr. Ivan Rodrigues with the Parishoner Rev. Fr. Stany Pinto, S.J. in which around 250 people participated. The church bell fray foundation stone was blessed at the end of the Mass.

Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola

by Allan D'Souza

On the July 31st 2013, people of Paladka celebrated their Titular feast of Patron St. Ignatius Loyola. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Fr. Alwyn Dias with 21 co-celebrant priests. Vice President of P.P. Council welcomed the guests.

Birthday celebration of Vicar

by Allan D'Souza

The faithful of Paladka Church celebrated the birthday of the new vicar Rev. Fr. Ivan Rodrigues(10th June) in advance on 9th June 2013, Sunday after the 1st mass. Report & Pictures by: Ashwan Loy

Send off and travelling to Elyarpadav

by Allan D'Souza

It was raining heavily on June 3rd. Even though Rev. Fr. Gilbert resisted us to come along with him, his sincerity, hardwork, love and helping hand to the needy and the caring nature attracted us to travel to Elyarpadav without his knowledge and participate in the charge taking ceremony. Rev. Fr. Reginald and his parishners […]

Welcoming new Parish Priest

by Allan D'Souza

On the pleasant eve of June 2nd 2013, sharp at 3:20pm the new vicar Rev. Fr. Ivan Rodrigues arrived to Paladka church ground along with his companion priests and the well wishers of the Kallianpur Pre university college. He was warmly welcomed by the Parishners and the vicar Rev. Fr. Gilbert D’Souza and the melodious […]

Distribution of Scholarship to beneficiaries at Paladka Church for the year 2013-14

by Allan D'Souza

In a function organized at St. Ignatius Loyola Church, Paladka on Sunday, the 2nd June, 2013 under the banner “Henry Benedicta Charitable Trust”, Neckare-Kudripadavu, a total sum of Rs.50000/- was distributed among 28 student beneficiaries for the academic year 2013-14. The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Gilbert D’Souza presided over the function. Sri Hilar D’Souza , […]

Catechism Day At Paladka

by Allan D'Souza

On the 24th of Feb 2013, the children of Paladka had gathered at 8 am with the parents and their catechism teachers to celebrate the day. The liturgy was very meaningful and prayerful, led by the children and parents. The 14 stations of the way of cross were read prayerful by the small kids. After […]

Inauguration of Centinary of Paladka Church

by Allan D'Souza

On the 18th of November 2012, people of Paladka gathered in the church to start the 100th year of it’s existance. There was a prayer and adoration from 8 am to 1 pm, lead by Fr Abraham SVD and Anil D Souza SVD. Mr Clifford D Souza was the choirmaster. There was a fellowship meal […]